Sunday, March 18, 2012

How to write a blog?

It's not so hard to write a blog , if you don't know english properly. For writing a blog or article you don't need to think also what you will write , maximum people write others thinking and you can write also.

For writing a article you just need take some concept from others article or from others blog . When you have some idea what you are going to write , you just copy some paragraph in a word file and just change the verbs with synoneme and for doing that you have to do the below's work.

First select the word and click in right button and when you will click to right button and you will find some synonymes and you just select a word from it.

You can change the voice also and you can change the nouns also just few.

For making or increasing the writing capacity you need to read more , the more you will read , the more you will learn and you will able to write and you can share or spread your knowledge by writing or making blog or article .

Thursday, March 15, 2012

How to Make Forum Posting

For making forum posting first register in the site. then click to log in button to logging . after completing the logging process in a site you will see some forum link and you have to select a forum from list.

You have to select a forum which you know or have some little or much knowledge . and when you will enter in a topic or in a treat you will see "post a reply" function in above and below and when you will click in the link you will find the box for your comments.

In a forum people discuss about something and try to solve. It's a place where everybody try to share his or her better knowledge. If you want to know something ' it will much better you just participate in forum discussion and will help you to know you a real information easily .

In a forum you can send someone private massage and you can block someone also and that's why i think it is a independent area also. If you think someone is well known person and he can help you ' you can send private massage to him or her , and in this sector you can ask group wise or jointly or individually.

For asking or knowing something in forum you just need to open a topic or treat . and if someone know about your topic he will answer about your topic.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to download an Image for free

  • Sometimes we download images from internet, or sometimes we download or looking for images or wallpapers from internet. But we don't know any address of any site, so we have to search in google or other website, but they provide some website address and it naturally be very loaded because of its extra large size image.
  • If we search in internet we find the address which is very loaded , but we can find only images in search. For doing this we just have to select the image menu from menu bar, and if you select the menu , you will find just images and you can save the images from here and if you want you can visit the sites also.
  • If you don't find the images menu you can search it in search box and you will get the link for google images, and if you select the google images menu you will be ready for your search and if you write your keyword in box you will find your desire keyword and you just need to save the images as you want.
  • If you need wall paper for your desktop you just write "Desktop wall paper " and search it in google search and you find million plus picture in your search page and you just have to save them.
  • On the other hand if you do normal search you will find the address where you can find the wall papers and when you will visit the sites you will able to see the images but sometimes some times don't allow you to save the images for free and they only provide download service and if you want to download it will want credit card number from you.
  • So , use google services and its to